Thursday, January 23, 2014

Positive Change

A lot of what we've learned recently is about taking what we see on the trip and bringing some type of positive change to our own societies. This was the same message preached by Sybil Hampton,  the first African American student to go through all three years at Little Rock Central Highschool, the same school attended by the Little Rock 9. She has no hatred for the people who were cruel to her when she was in Highschool. She preaches non-violence, as well. She compared her own experience to a football team; she said that everyone knows the main stars, the Little Rock 9, but less famous are the people like her who are imperative for the team to function. Heroes are made through very small actions. She values forgiveness because it allows us to not have "the burden of that junk hanging over our heads." Dr. Hampton's  messages resonated with me and I hope they will help to shape my ideals.

-Micah Saltzberg, Park School

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