Sunday, January 19, 2014

Is there a cause you are willing to die for ?

Change does not happen overnight. This is a fact of our society unfortunately, but that does not mean it is not worth fighting for. Dying is an inevitability of human nature, and I  would gladly die to put an end to discrimination against those who have a mental disability. Today, there is still so much ignorance surrounding the topic.

It infuriates me when people are dehumanized simply because they are different. Even if my actions weren't accredited or even noticed until years-decades after my death, I would be okay with that. I believe that if my actions were able to change the mindset most people have about mental disabilities, I would rather have them inspire change years after my death rather than not at all.

Mentally disabled people should be able to live in a world where no one is laughing at them, or saying that they should be "put down" like an animal that is in pain. They are human beings, and if my death could make others see that, I wouldn't hesitate.

Carmela Johnson, City Neighbors High School

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